I never thought I was a compulsive eater until I read this book, called "you can't stop till you find out what's eating you." My biggest compulsive eating behavior is hiding. I do this the worst in the car. I used to hide fruit pies, cheese, chocolate, french fries, Ice cream and hot dogs. I guess in some twisted up part of my brain I thought that if no one saw me eating it, it didn't count. I have had a few slip ups with this lately, and my trips to fast food joints have become an exercise in will power. There for a while, I would order food for myself, food for the kids, and a little "extra" for me to eat while driving. The meal I would order would usually be healthier, a grilled chicken sandwich or salad, but the "extra" would be extremely bad, chicken nuggets or strips (fried) or an order of large fries.
My weight is back up a little today, but I expected that. the last week I have had cake and ice cream, eaten out twice and had a lot of pasta. I am proud of myself, in spite of the slight gain because I have been exercising regularly and doing a pretty good job of it. I have made it at least a mile-and-a-half each day, sometimes as much as three. I wear a pedometer to keep track of the distance I walk and the calories burned. I also worked out on my "urban rebounder" yesterday. I like that thing. It feels a little silly at first because it is basically jumping on a trampoline, but it is a surprisingly good workout, and one of the few pieces of exercise equipment rated for actual fat people. I bought an eliptical machine when we lived in NC, and we found out after we got it that you weren't supposed to use it if you weighed over 250 lbs. What is the point of exercise equipment if the people who need it most can't use it? we (dh and I) both tried to use it, but every time we did there would be these little metal shavings all over the place. it was falling apart under our weight. we tried to sell it and ended up just trading it to my SIL for a treadmill. Now, we have gotten some use out of that, but I like actual walking more than treadmill walking. I can go farther because it isn't so boring. I've also found a pretty decent walking route around my neightborhood, with only one place that is difficult with the stroller. It's also great because DD is old enough now to stay with me so she can walk too. it makes for much easier bedtimes.
Well, I guess I should quit. I;m doing well in spite fo my little weight gain, and my abs are nice and sore from my workout yesterday. I might just do another today.
Weight: 273.5, BFP still 44%
OH and BTW, if you are checking in, I'd love it if you could write me a little note. It's helpful to know who is looking. (thanx Jenny!)
Be good all.