Warning; Maudlin, not-pregnant-about-to-start entry is coming in 3-2-1.....
To my Darling Dwayne,
I will not, under almost any circumstance, allow you to sell your tuba. Yes, I know you don't play it much. Yes I know it's hard to get any practice time in because the kids always attack you when you sit down. I know these things because I have the same problem. every time I sit down to play the piano they bang on the top (or bottom) of the keyboard so I lose my concentration and fuck up playing even more than usual. If I sing...really sing not silly sing, I am screamed at to shut up because I'm too loud.
I know these things. I also know what it is like to lose your instrument...yes I'm a singer I know, but remember when I had vocal nodules? I had just started teaching. I screamed a lot. I got vocal nodules. I'm fine now, but there was a time that I was unsure whether my voice would ever be the same. I could not sing for a while, and I felt the grief of losing something I had taken for granted. even though I don't use it much now, I'm grateful every day I CAN, that it's THERE.
If you sell your tuba you would be giving up the Potential of making your music. Remember, there is no tuba room, no school tuba to go play. And, there is the simple fact that we will not be able to afford another one if you get rid of that one. Even if we sell the house and make a decent profit, we have to be careful. The money won't be enough to do all we need to do to this house still, and get you a new tuba.
So, unless we are on pain of being thrown out in the street, you are not selling your tuba. If you go behind my back and do it you will never, ever ever ever get a special blowjob again as long as you live. I will not allow you to give up a part of yourself, a large part of what I fell in love with in the first place, just because we are facing a few difficult weeks financially. I love you too much to let you do that.
yer wifey
if anyone was wondering I'm not trying to get preggers. I'm still, even after two years of lovely, bareback, vasectomy sex, terrified of getting pg. I forget when my periods are, and start thinking I'm preggo about every month. once I even started my period on a pregnancy test. Muhahaha
The "kids" I were referring to were the ones that bitch and moan at school. You were right on with the kids not giving me much chance to practice. They'll leave me alone if I'm noodling but if I start serious practice...which doesn't always sound so ordinary, they'd be on me like stink on shit. I think I'll keep the big brassy bitch! But I gotta get her nails done. That 5th valve needs reattached. Even though I rarely use that one, she needs some work. When it comes to pain and suffering, she's right up there with Elizabeth Taylor.