Friday, July 28, 2006
boy when I break a plateau...
I've been losing weight at a rapid, almost alarming rate. This morning I was at 263, last night 265. I call the 265 official now. There is a part of me wondering if this is too fast. I know it is possible (and dangerous) to lose weight too fast, but hey I'm not gonna mess with a good thing. I know the fact that I don't eat at work has a good bit to do with this, coupled with the fact that I have been walking 2 or 3 miles every morning. I only got 1.5 miles this morning, and got rained out, but at least it was something.

My body is starting to show signs of this strange "deflating" process. I'm getting paranoid about my boobs. my Butt looks awful. I have had big ta ta's since I was about 10 or 11. They have always been a part of me that I felt a little confident about. An old friend of my mothers once told me "as long as you've got tits you've got a figure...doesn't matter how fat you get." Now that they have been inflated by weight and breastfeeding, their smaller incarnation is a little disappointing. Dwayne says they look fine. He said that this morning, however, after he pointed out to me last night that the right one is slightly (well more than slightly) lower than the left one. Thanks hon I needed to hear that really.

I have thought off and on over the years about having breat reduction. I don't know how I feel about it. it would be a big step. I have more often thought about waiting until I get down to the weight I want to maintain and having them lifted. I've looked into it, though, and it seems most breast lifts invlove implants and I for gods sake don't need any of those. I guess I'll just wait and see how they look after another 90 lbs. or so. Hey, three more pounds and I'll have lost 40!

I didn't mean for this blog to be all about my boobs....sorry..just something I need to get off my chest...COLLECTIVE GROAN COMMENCE IN 3-2-1. I can't help but worry. My husband is a boob man. They are tied almost inextricably to my own sense of femininity...blah blah blah me me me blah blah blah blah me me blah.
posted by Aly Oops at 9:46 AM ¤ Permalink ¤