DD said something this morning that made me laugh so harrd...then got me thinking.
she got hung up between the bed and the headboard (the headborad is free standing) and was asking me to help her. I said how'd you get back there?
she said
"it seemed like a good idea, but then I got stuck."
oh how like life.
I'm fasting today. when I did it before it was hard, but it seemed to make me feel better. I haven't had bad poo since. I also woke up without heartburn and didn't have any back pain of all things.
anyway, thought I'd try it again. maybe two days this time.
and don't freak. I read about it and it's actually very good for you. helps your body cleanse itself. and it seems I get hungrier if I eat.
i weighed 300 lbs this morning. I'm thinking about going on that NBC show americas fattest fatties. I'll lose 1/2 lb and cry in front of all america.
bye all.