actually had a nice birthday. DH made me cake from scratch, no mixes. he even did the baking powder-salt thing cause we are out of self rising flour. it was also a double layer cake. very impressive honey. then he made me a headband. we had a really nice time. DD sang to me about 30 times. all good fun.
I decided to set goals for the next year, kinda like new year's resolutions. I keep on thinking I'm almost thirty. that is admittedly a little scary. don't know if I can handle 30. I mean I guess I'll have to but wow...
ok so my goals to reach by my next birthday are:
Get down to at least 250.
have a job that will have some semblance of permanence
get some decent clothes
spend more time teaching and playing wth my kids
spend less time yelling at everyone
be a better listener
be a better friend
take a vacation
do more yoga
do not buy crap food under the guise that it is for the kids, only to consume it myself when they are asleep
get more exercise, even if it's in the house, whether the neighbors are looking or not.
well, there are some. I gotta get ready to leaf.
till later