sing it with me now...
deep dark depression excessive misery..can't remember what's next.
no one is going to buy my mothers house
no one is going to hire me or DH
even if they did we can't afford to move because no one will buy moms house.
I will always be fat
my fingerprints for my FBI background check were sent back as illegible. had to get redone..who knows how long I'll have to wait now.
blah blah blah.
I tried to post a comment but the internet ate it. bad internet! no dessert for you. Anyway I said really nice things but now I don't remember what I said. oh yeah that song continues as "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all...gloom despair etcetc..." For the longest time Wes thought it was "deep dark expression" took me forever to dissuade him. he insisted he was right and I was like dude? that doesn't even make sense! ok anyway...I'll shut up now. Hang in there and hope we'll see you soon.