Monday, October 03, 2005
working up the nerve to work
I'm sooooo close to being able to sub!!!
I went to have my TB test read today, neg of course, and have to fax in my transcripts, my praxis scores, and my TB results. then I'm just waiting on my license and off I go. whee.
I was doing an interesting financial analysis today. I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering why DH isn't going to work as a sub yet..
well not to be too specific, but if we wait a liiiiiitle bit longer for me to get my license, we'll have more money each month than even if we both worked (unless we both worked every day which we can't do just now because of our car situation) and after DH's UC runs out, he would make more money subbing than if we traded days and both worked.
we do have a plan.
I know it's frustrating. I'm living it, you're watching it. believe me I know.
Nobody is going to flip burgers. sorry. I feel very offended by that suggestion.
maybe I shouldn't, and believe me if it were actually necessary, one or both of us would.
we have, I repeat we have a plan.
neither one of us is a moron.
If my fingerprints are sent back from FBI again, DH will begin to substitute teach.
I know people mean well, but please...we are doing the best we can.
We know what we are facing...we think about it all day every day.
we are not in need of anyone to tell us how horrible our situation is. trust me, WE KNOW!
things will eventually get better.

I'm sorry about the tone of this. I said when I began I was going to be honest and this is honestly how I'm feeling right now. I'm sorry that some folks don't agree with our way of dealing with this, but we are doing our very best.
I love ya'll.
I haven't weighed myself and don't really want to.
posted by Aly Oops at 3:30 PM ¤ Permalink ¤